Sunday, 15 December 2013

So here it begins

Well here I am starting my first ever blog.

Why ?  Goodness knows and to be honest it's got absolutely nothing to do with my cat, who's name is Bob by the way, but rather an account of the disasters that seem to follow me around wherever I go.

I cannot believe the mishaps that often occur in my daily life and when I explain to people, they stand back in amazement.  So my theory is, if I start to write them down, hopefully they won't happen any more.

I'll try to post regularly and some events may appear out of sequence and certainly not to any particular time line. My friend, who shall remain anonymous (sorry Steve) recently introduced me to a work colleague of his and the conversation went along the lines off  " This is Jack, he's a wonderful guy, just a disaster waiting to happen" which sums up in a few words why I've decided to write a blog.

So take today for instance, my wife who was at work, asked me to pick up some shopping from Tesco ( I assume I'm allowed to mention TESCO in a blog)

How often do we pick the wrong queue at the till.  Well this elderly lady was in front of me and was buying the shop.  She had a trolley full of  the crockery that is on special offer, when you collect the necessary tokens.  Well there was something wrong and well, you really just have to say something.  In my case to the girl who was standing behind me, who had also loaded her shopping onto the till.

I think the conversation went along the lines of. "I always pick wrong till" no reply. "I think there's a problem with what the old lady has bought" No reply. "You'd think she'd have come when it was less busy" No reply.  "I think she's won all those tokens at the bingo" No reply

Well how was I to know that they were both related (mother and daughter) and I had somehow got in between them in the queue at the checkout. Apologies tendered, I legged it out of the store.

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